Alpha 3.7 Release

Alpha release of BeatVortex

This release is outdated, and should not be used! There is a bugfix update for this release available.

This is another bugfix release for the 0.3.x release.

This includes fixes for two reported bugs:

  • Installation failed for mod archives not available on BeatMods
  • Installation failed for BeatMods mods with special characters in the name (i.e. Counters+)
    • Thanks to @zmallll for reporting this and Tannin for passing it along!

For the major updates in this release, please check the docs for the previous feature release.

A note on bugs

This release is fixing yet more bugs in the 0.3.x tree, but should also be improving overall polish. If you do find more bugs, please reach out on GitHub or Discord and I will do my best to get things fixed as quick as I can.

Big thanks (as always) to Pickysaurus, Tannin and Nagev for helping out with these bugs and being great about the whole thing.